I am currently living in fear. Not all of me, and not constantly consciously. Perhaps not even often consciously. But it is there, simmering in a hidden aspect of myself. It is living in a hell.
Heaven is of our own making, in the moment to moment living. There are those for whom heaven is only accessible in their mind. Their outward circumstances are so dire that it is impossible to experience the joy, peace, and community of heaven externally. That is not my experience. I maintain much autonomy and ability. I have everything in front of me with which to create my version of heaven. My more perfect life. I have these choices in front of me constantly. It does me, and my community, no good to deny my resources.
I can stop and pause to bathe myself in the simple beauty and peace of a dog, asleep in a sunspot on the stairs, amidst the quiet of my house in mid-morning.
I can buy the four-dollar bouquet of flowers at the grocery store, choosing a bundle that is earliest in bud, so I can watch the flowers mature and open, then slowly retreat back into themselves, over the the several weeks that they grace my counter.
I can reach out to friends, near and far, reminding them of past moments of joy we have shared, commiserating on current fears and difficulties, dreaming together of future beauty.
I can pause the moment it takes to make true eye contact with people in public spaces. I can look to witness their true Self and smile openly to connect with that in them which is beneath and around whatever in their past causes them to present in their particular sort of self-protective manner.
I can plan for the future with hope. I can choose to proceed as though the best case scenario will be the one that occurs, as it very well may be. When the deep need to plan for the worst arises, I can welcome it. Allow it to be present, even indulge it and game plan for whatever I fear. Then, I can set those plans aside, safely stored in case they are needed, but siloed away from my daily life. I can remain focused on the hope and the beauty, even if fear has a seat beside my fire.
I can maintain knowledge of current events, staying informed and aware, while also working to create the heaven I wish to live in. I can contact my representatives, support causes I value and vote every opportunity I have to do so- working personally, locally, to create my more perfect union.
I can attempt do no harm. I can celebrate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Heaven is a verb.